How to install BDSX server software on Linux

Single command to start

single command install if you are too lazy to read the rest of the tutorial :3

OS Version Selector

you will have to agree to a license, don’t forget to press y (for yes or agree)

To start the server run -> bdsx.bat

To update the server run -> update.bat

Manual installation

(this tutorial has been written using Ubuntu 23.04, please check version 9 or higher compatibility for other distros or versions of Wine)

So you want to install BDSX on Linux, first of all, congratulations on not wasting half of your system memory on a paid OS that has ads in it, second prepare to waste a somewhat similar amount of RAM using Wine, since the BDSX project relies on the Windows version of the Bedrock Dedicated Server or BDS for short, BDSX on Linux has to run on a translation layer of Wine.
P.S. Issues like 1 GB world corruption, slow hooking, and overall slow speeds and bugs have been mostly fixed as of Wine version 9

To begin the installation process you will need git, nodejs and wine

>> Install Git

Debian/Ubuntu based distros ->
sudo apt install git
Fedora based distros -> 
sudo dnf install git

>> Install NodeJs
for this you will need the NVM program for installing nodejs on your system

using curl ->

curl -o- | bashCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

using wget ->

wget -qO- | bashCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

just paste and run these commands in your Linux terminal and let the program install

after NVM installs itself, run the following command

source ~/.bashrc

then run

nvm install node

>> Install Wine

Please note that Wine version 9 is the MINIMUM tested stable version for BDSX

follow the installation steps based on your distro and its version

>> BDSX installation

Now that you have all the required dependencies for BDSX, go to a directory or create one where you will want to install BDSX

when you are in the directory of your choice, run this command to download the project

git clone language: PHP (php)

after the project is downloaded, enter the terminal in the selected directory and write

cd bdsx

now that in the terminal you are in the bdsx directory run the file like this


if for some reason it doesn’t run, check all dependencies and check if the file is set to executable mode, if not, run this command

sudo chmod +x bdsx.shCode language: CSS (css)

after letting npm do its thing and install the bedrock server and BDSX core, you will have to accept the license terms by entering y(yes/agree) or n(no/disagree) and pressing enter

now that bdsx is installed you can check out or remove the contents in the directories example_and_test and plugin-example to remove example content

if you want to install plugins you will have to put folders (non-zipped) to the plugins directory

if you want to find the bedrock server and, it is in the bedrock_server directory

To start the server run -> bdsx.bat

To update the server run -> update.bat

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